- Project
Unique Master thesis on soil biology, organic agriculture and field pratice!
This thesis offers an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in soil biology, organic agriculture, and fieldwork methodology.
- Project
Food Crops for Increased Diversity on Organic Grassland-Livestock Farms
Organic grassland-livestock farms have unutilized potential for producing food crops. NORSØK, in collaboration with NLR and the County Governor of Trøndelag, will explore opportunities an...
- Project
The role of diversified small-scale horticulture in a transition towards more sustainable food systems with healthier diets
The projectwill investigate the role of diversified small-scale horticulture in a transition towards more sustainable food systems with healthier diets.
- Project
Control of Broadleaf Dock: Organic Strategies Against Weeds in Norwegian Agriculture
Broadleaf dock is a perennial and highly competitive weed that presents challenges for farmers across Norway, particularly in Møre og Romsdal and other livestock a...
- Andres arrangementer
4. - 6. April: Kurs i heilskapleg gardsplanlegging (00:00 - 23:59)
Location: 5700 Vossevangen - Andres arrangementer
Inspirasjonsdag om grønnsaker - Lær om dyrking, opprinnelse, marked og kulturhistorie (10:00 - 14:00)
Location: Holt Gård, Undrumsdal - Våre arrangementer
Norsk mat i krig og krise med Robert Mood + pub og pizza etterpå (18:00 - 23:00)
Location: Tingvoll Økopark - Andres arrangementer
6. - 7. May: Økologisk syltetøy- og geléproduksjon (09:00 - 16:00)
Location: Nofima AS, Osloveien 1, Ås