NOBIO and NORSØK are establishing a three-year long project based on a forum for those interested in biogas on farms.
Activities are webinars/seminars, inspections of facilities on farms and operation of online forum.
Biogas at Norwegian farms

There is a noticeable positive development in the use of livestock manure for biogas plants on farms and the use of livestock manure in larger biogas plants. Several farmers also receive bio-waste. Biogas is competence-intensive and there is a lot to learn about in the prosess of pre-engineering, engineering, establishment, and operation phase for biogas plants. It is desirable to have a network between farmers and other interested partners to share knowledge and experiences. It is also useful to work closely with farmers to teach each other about the quality and utilization of bio-residues/bio-fertilizers.
The work in the network will consist of several parts. A network forum that facilitates daily discussions and sharing of knowledge online. Professional meetings and inspections of biogas plants will help to share knowledge about what is required from you and what to expect if you establish a plant, deliver to larger plants, or receive bio-residues.